List of country names in official languages of Namimori

Despite the fact that most countries of the world have their names transliterated directly from Everish in official languages of Namimori (which are Ayuthayan, Koran and Namimorish), some countries also have different names from their Everish names due to cultural, geographical, historical, political or other reasons. This article attempts to give all known alternative names for all nations, countries and sovereign states. It does not offer any opinion about what the "original", "official", "real", or "correct" name of any country is or was.

In Ayuthayan language, the names of most countries were widely transliteration from their Everish name. However after the latest regulation of Ayuthayan language by the Royal Namimorish Institute in November 2020, plenty of countries were advanced to have new names regulated under the respect of Palian and Sanskritish languages but the idea was rejected in January 2021 as it creates confusions among the users.

Countries are listed alphabetically by their current best-known name in Everish. Each Everish name is followed by its currently best-known equivalents in other languages, listed in Everish alphabetical order by name and by language. Historical and/or alternative versions, where included, are noted as such. The officially recognized name of each country is bold.

Everish name Ayuthayan name Koran name Namimorish name
Achróa Achróa อัคฆรัว Ak-krua 아크로이 A-keu-ro-i アクロア A-ku-ro-a
Ainigma Ainigma ไอยนิฆมา Ai-ya-nik-kha-ma 아이니크마 A-i-ni-keu-ma アイニクマ A-i-ni-ku-ma
Akhtora Akhtora อัคโธรา Ak-kha-tho-ra 아흐토라 A-heu-to-ra アフトラ A-fu-to-ra
Alchten Alchten อลัชเถน A-lush-sha-ten 아라츠테인 A-ra-cheu-te-in アラシテイン A-ra-shi-te-in
Alkyria Alkyria อรรคราฐ An-kha-rath 아르카이리아 A-reu-ka-i-ri-a アルカイリア A-reu-ka-i-ri-a
อัลไคเรีย An-kai-ria
Amelia Amelia อมิราห์ A-mi-rah 아멜리아 A-mel-ri-a 飴色国 A-me-i-ro-ko-ku
อำพันประเทศ Am-pan-na-pra-tet 황갈국 Hwang-gal-kuk アメリア A-me-ri-a
Angostura Angostura อังโกสถุฬา Ang-go-sa-tu-la 앙고스투라 Ang-go-seu-too-ra アンゴスツラ Ang-go-su-tsu-ra
Aquia Aquia อัคฆียะ Ak-khi-Ya 아기아 A-gi-a アギア A-gi-a
อาเกีย A-kia
Asgreeb Asgreeb อัศกฤพ At-sa-krip 아스그리브 A-seu-geu-ri-beu アスグリブ A-su-gu-ri-bu
Atlandia Atlandia แอตแลนเดีย At-lan-dia 애틀랜디아 Ae-teu-lan-di-a アトランディア A-to-ran-di-a
Baesnia Baesnia แบสเนีย Bass-nia 배스니아 Pae-seu-ni-a バスニア Ba-su-ni-a
Beklium Beklium เบคเลียม Bek-kha-lieum 베크리암 Pe-keu-ri-am ベクリム Be-ku-ri-mu
Baesnia Boninbourg โบณิญเบิร์ก Bo-nin-bourg 보닌브루크 Po-nin-beu-too-keu ボニンブルク Bo-nin-bu-ru-ku
Bregana Bregana เบอร์กานา Ber-ga-na 버르가나 Peo-reu-ga-na ボルガナ Bo-ru-ga-na
Corzazjan Corzazjan คอร์ซัสจาน Kor-sass-jan 코르사스잔 Po-nin-beu-too-keu コールザズジャン Ko-u-ru-za-za-jyan
Danskanksova Danskanksova ดันสกังโซวา Dan-sa-kang-so-va 덴스강소바 Den-seu-kang-so-ba ダンスカンソーバ Dan-su-kang-so-ba
De Vremdspongeln De Vremdspongeln เดอ วเร็มสปอนเกล De-wa-rem-spon-gen 더 브렘드스펀겔 Deo-beu-rem-deu-seu-peon-gel デブレンデスポーゲン De-bu-ren-de-su-pon-gen
Decoria Decoria เดคฤราช De-kreu-rath 데코리아 De-ko-ri-a デコリア De-ko-ri-a
เดคอเรีย De-kor-ria
Demacia Demacia เดมัสถาน Day-mat-sa-tan 데마시아 De-ma-si-a デマシア De-ma-si-a
เดมาเซีย Day-ma-sia
Dorma Dorma ดอร์มา Dor-ma 도르마 Do-reu-ma ドルマ Do-ru-ma
Drevona Drevona เดรโวนา Dre-vo-na 데르보나 De-reu-bo-na デールボナ De-e-ru-bo-na
Dýria Dýria ดีเรีย Dee-ria 디리아 Di-ri-a ディリア Di-ri-a
Eda Eda เอดา Eh-da 에다 E-da エーダ E-e-da
Equaland Equaland เอคัวแลนด์ Eh-kua-land 에콰랜드 E-kwa-ran-deu エクーアランド E-ku-u-a-ran-do
Ermy Ermy เอร์มี Er-mee 에르미 E-reu-mi エールミ E-e-ru-mi
Evergreen Evergreen เอเวอร์กรีน Dee-ria 에버그린 E-beo-geu-rin エバーグリーン E-ba-a-gu-ri-in
สหราชอาณาจักร (Trans: United Kingdom) Sa-ha-rat-cha-a-na-chak 에국 E-guk 英国 E-i-ko-ku
Flírskmasto Flírskmasto เฟลิรสก์มาสโต Flerk-mas-to 프러그마스토 Peu-reo-keu-ma-seu-to フロースクマスト Fu-ro-u-su-ku-ma-su-to
พฤกษมัสถาน Preuk-sa-mas-tan
Florea Florea ฟลอเรย์ Flor-ria 프로레아 Peu-ro-re-a フローレア Fu-ro-re-a
Fordia Fordia ฟอร์เดีย For-dia 포디아 Po-di-a フォーディア Fo-u-di-a
Other 84 countries - soon