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Line 32:
$(".semi-place").each(function() {
var pageHTML = $('.mw-parser-output').html();
var classList = $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
var place = parseInt($(this).text());
var country = classList[1].split("-")[0]
var edition = parseInt(classList[1].split("-")[1])
if ((edition === 1 && place <= 12) || (edition === 2 && place <= 10) || (edition >= 3 && place <= 7) || (((edition === 11 && country === "Lakadamia") || edition >= 29) && place === 8)) {
$("."+classList[1]+"-semi-style").css("background-color", "navajowhite").css("font-weight", "bold");
$(".final-place").each(function() {
var classList = $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
var place = parseInt($(this).text());
var country = classList[1].split("-")[0]
var edition = parseInt(classList[1].split("-")[1])
if (place === 1) {
$("."+classList[1]+"-final-style").css("background-color", "gold").css("font-weight", "bold");
$(".pre-ed-song").each(function() {
if ($(this).text().length > 0) {
var title = $(this).text();
var resultsRegex = /{{#ContestResults:([1-9](?:[0-9]{1,})?)\|(SF[1-3]|GF)}}/gm;
let m;
const LAST25 = [1, 2];
while ((m = resultsRegex.exec(pageHTML)) !== null) {
const LAST27 = [13, 16];
if (m.index === resultsRegex.lastIndex) {
$(".result-table-row").children().each(function() {
var classList = $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
var editionNumber = parseInt(classList[2].replace("edition-number-", ""));
if ((classList[0] === "final-result-1" || classList[0] === "semi-result-1") && classList[1] !== "semi-result-") {
$(this).css("background-color", "gold");
} else if ((classList[0] === "final-result-2" || classList[0] === "semi-result-2") && classList[1] !== "semi-result-") {
$(this).css("background-color", "silver");
} else if ((classList[0] === "final-result-3" || classList[0] === "semi-result-3") && classList[1] !== "semi-result-") {
$(this).css("background-color", "#cc9966");
} else if ((classList[0] === "final-result-25" && LAST25.includes(editionNumber)) ||
(classList[0] === "final-result-27" && LAST27.includes(editionNumber)) ||
(classList[0] === "final-result-26" && !LAST25.includes(editionNumber) && !LAST27.includes(editionNumber) && editionNumber < 29) ||
(classList[0] === "final-result-30" && !LAST25.includes(editionNumber) && !LAST27.includes(editionNumber) && editionNumber >= 29)) {
$(this).css("background-color", "#FE8080");
} else if (classList[0] === "final-result-" || classList[1] === "final-result-") {
$(this).css("background-color", "#FFCDBD");
} else if (classList[0] === "semi-result-") {
$(this).css("background-color", "#99FF99");
if (classList[0] === "final-result-" && classList[1] === "final-place-points") {
$(this).html("<small style='color:grey'>NQ</small>");
$(this).attr("data-sort-value", "9999");
} else if (classList[0] === "semi-result-" && classList[3] === "semi-place-points") {
$(this).html("<small style='color:darkgreen'>AQ</small>");
$(this).attr("data-sort-value", "9999");
var wikiString = m[0];
var edition = m[1];
var editionInt = parseInt(edition);
mw.loader.using( 'mw.Api' ).then(function () {
var show = m[2].toLowerCase();
var api = new mw.Api();
$.getJSON(''+edition+'?action=raw', function(data) {
$(".contest-results").each(function() {
var resultsTable = '{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"'+"\n";
var classList = $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
resultsTable += '! width="8%"|Draw'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Country'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Artist'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Song'+"\n"+'! width="8%"|Place'+"\n"+'! width="8%"|Points'+"\n";
var edition = classList[1].replace('edition-', '');
var draw = 1;
var countryInfoeditionInt = data.countriesparseInt(edition);
var show = classList[2].replace('show-', '').toLowerCase();
var showResults = data.results[show];
var resultsTable = '';
showResults.forEach(function (resultData) {
var country =;
$.getJSON(''+edition+'?action=raw', function(data) {
var place =;
resultsTable = '{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"'+"\n";
var points = resultData.points;
resultsTable += '! width="8%"|Draw'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Country'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Artist'+"\n"+'! width="25%"|Song'+"\n"+'! width="8%"|Place'+"\n"+'! width="8%"|Points'+"\n";
var artistdraw = countryInfo[country].artist1;
var featured = (countryInfo[country].featured === undefined) ? [] : countryInfo[country]data.featuredcountries;
var songshowResults = countryInfodata.results[countryshow].song;
showResults.forEach(function (resultData) {
var qualifiedcountry =;
var place =;
if ((show === 'sf1' || show === 'sf2' || show === 'sf3') && (editionInt === 1 && place <= 12) || (editionInt === 2 && place <= 10) || (editionInt >= 3 && place <= 7) || (editionInt === 11 && place === 8)) {
resultsTablevar points += '|-'+"\n"resultData.points;
} else {
var artist = countryInfo[country].artist;
resultsTable += '|- style="background:navajowhite;font-weight:bold;"'+"\n";
var featured = (countryInfo[country].featured === undefined) ? [] : countryInfo[country].featured;
var song = countryInfo[country].song;
resultsTable += '| align="center"| '+String(draw).padStart(2, '0')+"\n";
var qualified = false;
resultsTable += '| {{fc|'+country+'}}'+"\n";
if ((show === 'sf1' || show === 'sf2' || show === 'sf3') && (editionInt === 1 && place <= 12) || (editionInt === 2 && place <= 10) || (editionInt >= 3 && place <= 7) || (editionInt === 11 && place === 8)) {
resultsTable += '| '+createArtistString(true, artist, featured)+"\n";
resultsTable += '|- style="'+song+'background:navajowhite;font-weight:bold;"'+"\n";
} else if (show === 'final' && place === 1) {
resultsTable += '| align="center"| '+String(place)+"\n";
resultsTable += '|- alignstyle="centerbackground:gold;font-weight:bold;"| '+String(points)+"\n";
}); else {
resultsTable += '|-'+"\n";
resultsTable += '|}';
resultsTable += '| align="center"| '+String(draw).padStart(2, '0')+"\n";
resultsTable += '| {{fc|'+country+'}}'+"\n";
resultsTable += '| '+createArtistString(true, artist, featured)+"\n";
pageHTML = pageHTML.replace(wikiString, resultsTable);
resultsTable += '| "'+song+'"'+"\n";
resultsTable += '| align="center"| '+String(place)+"\n";
resultsTable += '| align="center"| '+String(points)+"\n";
resultsTable += '|}';
var params = {action: 'parse', text: resultsTable}
api.get(params).done(function (data) {
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