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32) Tsuwano (津和野) dd/mm/yyyy;
32) Tsuwano (津和野) dd/mm/yyyy;

33) Pen'isura dd/mm/yyyy;
33) Lotus dd/mm/yyyy;

34) Poguk (포곡) dd/mm/yyyy;
34) Poguk (포곡) dd/mm/yyyy;

Revision as of 21:03, 7 February 2021

The Republic of Qasentria

河川鳥杏共和国 (Jarean)
카센트리아 공화국 (Koran)
La République de Qasentria (Lakadamian)
De Republic o' Qasentria (Eisan)
Flag of Qasentria
"Un Endroit Caché Entre Ciel et Terre"(Lakadamian)
"하늘과 땅 사이에 숨겨진 장소"(Koran)
(Everish:"A Place Hidden Between Heaven and Earth")
"ツバメの歌 "(Jarean)
"제비의 노래"(Koran)
(Everish:"Swallow's Song")
File:Location Map Qasentria.png
and largest city
Official languagesEverish • Lakadamian • Jarean • Koran • Eisan
Recognised national languagesFlírsk • Latinican • Amelian
Recognised regional languagesQasentrian Standard Creole • Einu • Miyakoan • Izuu
41% Christianity
24% No affiliation
21% Buddhism
14% Shintoism
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary republic
• President
Silveria Jacobs
• Joint Prime Ministers
Fukushima Mizuho and Sim Sang-jung
• Upper house
• Lower house
House of Swallows
CurrencyKiqani (Ꝡ) (KQN)
Time zone+8
Date formatDD-MM-YYYY
Driving sideleft
Calling code+73
Internet TLD.qs

Qasentria (Koran: 카센트리아, Jarean: 河川鳥杏) officially The Republic of Qasentria (Lakadamian: La République de Qasentria, Koran: 카센트리아 공화국, Jarean: 河川鳥杏共和国, Eisan: De Republic o' Qasentria) is a sovereign state in the south of Serica. Its capital and largest city is Marianne.


Ancient Qasentria: Hunter-gatherers arrived in Qasentria in Paleolithic times, though little evidence of their presence remains, as Qasentria's largely acidic soils are inhospitable to the process of fossilization. However, the discovery of unique edge-ground axes in Yukonomina dated to over 30,000 years ago may be evidence of the first Homo sapiens in Qasentria. Early humans likely arrived on Qasentria by sea on watercraft, likely from the western part of Sakoda (most likely modern-day Jarea). Evidence of human habitation has been dated to 32,000 years ago in Miyako's Yamashita Cave and up to 20,000 years ago on Izuu Island's Shiraho Saonetabaru Cave. While the humans likely came over from Jarea, they formed a number of seperate cultures from the Jareans (ie. Miyakoans, Izuu, Yukonominan, Honbese). During this time, a number of small kingdoms were formed. Wars were occasional, but largly never happened

Nanmei Era: The region of modern day Qasentria got it's name from their time under the Ancient Amelian Empire, where the region was refered to as "Kasen" (Amelian: 卡森 - The card forest).The region included the modern day nations of Namimori, Kuwiang, Qasentria and Saint Vittoria. Lakadamian explorers made contact with the eastern portion of Kasen, and a number of settlers made eastern Kasen (known then as Vierzon) their home (becoming the modern day region of Breycia). The new Vierzonese populous were speaking Lakadamian, while the islands of the Kasatenya Islands were speaking Izuu, Miyakoan, and Einu; the island of Ceris was speaking Eisan, which was largely influenced by the Everish language; the island of St. Ann was speaking Kreol (nowadays Qasentrian Standard Creole), which was largely influenced by both Eisan & Lakadamian; and the main portion of Kasen was speaking either Yukonominan (a dialect of Jaranese), or Koran. The linguistics of the region was so chaotic, that it was sometimes refered to as Qianyu (a shortening of the Amelian phrase 千語言之國 (Qian yuyan zhi guo), meaning Land of 1000 Languages.

Ritsuryō Period: Frustrations in Kasen were growing over the course of time under the Nanmei Era, as Kasen was largely ignored by the Ancient Amelian Empire. As such, a number of small regions in Kasen began to revolt, with the first region to split being Yeongwa (currently the area surrounding Hwidol), leading to 41 other regions to revolt. The regions, having gained their independence, turned their attention towards eachother. [In order of independence;

1) Yeongwa (연과) dd/mm/yyyy;

2) Heunghae (흥해) dd/mm/yyyy;

3) Miyoshi (三芳) dd/mm/yyyy;

4) Miyako (宮古) dd/mm/yyyy;

5) Ceris dd/mm/yyyy;

6) Cheorwon (철원) dd/mm/yyyy;

7) Marianne dd/mm/yyyy;

8) Asakura (朝倉) dd/mm/yyyy;

9) Anegakoji (姉小路) dd/mm/yyyy;

10) Aikawa (愛川) dd/mm/yyyy;

11) Ina (伊奈) dd/mm/yyyy;

12) Izuu (伊豆) dd/mm/yyyy;

13) Biratori (平取) dd/mm/yyyy;

14) Ōmu (雄武) dd/mm/yyyy;

15) Uezugi (上杉) dd/mm/yyyy;

16) Hayakawa (早川) dd/mm/yyyy;

17) Vierzon dd/mm/yyyy;

18) Zaō (蔵王) dd/mm/yyyy;

19) Satake (佐竹) dd/mm/yyyy;

20) Wazuka (和束) dd/mm/yyyy;

21) Shibata (柴田) dd/mm/yyyy;

22) Yūsei (雄星) dd/mm/yyyy;

23) Hatakeyama (畑山) dd/mm/yyyy;

24) Yaese (八重瀬) dd/mm/yyyy;

25) St. Ann dd/mm/yyyy;

26) Amako (尼子) dd/mm/yyyy;

27) Inje (인제) dd/mm/yyyy;

28) Kinsia dd/mm/yyyy;

29) Jayuu (자유) dd/mm/yyyy;

30) Goldenleaf dd/mm/yyyy;

31) Seika (精華) dd/mm/yyyy;

32) Tsuwano (津和野) dd/mm/yyyy;

33) Lotus dd/mm/yyyy;

34) Poguk (포곡) dd/mm/yyyy;

35) Meiwa (明和) dd/mm/yyyy;

36) Satomi (聡美) dd/mm/yyyy;

37) Mōgi (舞木) dd/mm/yyyy;

38) Aita (相田) dd/mm/yyyy;

39) Hwawon (화원) dd/mm/yyyy;

40) Sabuk (사북) dd/mm/yyyy;

41) Wadomari (和泊) dd/mm/yyyy;

42) Buyeo (부여) dd/mm/yyyy]

Two Nations Period:

Contemporary Qasentria:


Qasentria is a unitary parliamentary republic. The current President in office is Silveria Jacobs. The current joint prime ministers are Fukushima Mizuho and Sim Sang-jung. The Qasentrian legislature is the Parliament divided into the House of Swallows and Kilna.

Social Policies and Laws


  • You become a legal adult at age 16.
  • You can obtain a driver's license at an age depending on the jurisdiction.
  • The age of consent is 16.
  • The legal age of marriage is 18.
  • Capital punishment is not used.
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are legal.
  • Pornography is legal with restriction.
  • Gambling is legal with age restriction.


  • The legal voting age is 14.
  • People of all Genders, Religions, Social Classes, and Education level have the right to vote.
  • Individuals are not required to be citizens to vote.
  • Those with criminal records are permitted to vote.
  • One must be 18 years old to run for public office, but with school permission it is 16.

Gun laws

  • In Qasentria, weapons are illegal. Only hunters in Aires are allowed to have firearms.

Drug laws

  • Alcohol (<15% by volume) is legal and restricted for those 19 years and older.
  • Alcohol (>15% by volume) is legal and restricted for those 19 years and older.
  • Nicotine and Tobacco products are legal and restricted for those 21 years and older.
  • Cannabis is legal and restricted for those 18 years and older.

Abortion laws

  • In Qasentria, abortion is legal and there is no social stigma towards it. A pair of provinces (Aires and Viancia) have tried to ban it, but the bans have been struck down by the Qasentrian Court System.
  • Costs are covered by the state.
  • Abortion is legal and there are no time limits.
  • Abortion is legal in the case of fetal defects.
  • Abortion is legal in the case of rape and where the mother's life may be threatened.
  • Abortion is regulated by the state. Only public hospitals are allowed to perform it and are obliged by law to give extra counselling/therapy to women in order to deal with the abortion.

LGBT rights

  • Same sex activity is legal in Qasentria. LGBT people are widely accepted, but may face some stigma.
  • The age of consent for same sex intercourse is 17.
  • The LGBT community has the freedom of expression.
  • The LGBT community is protected by law from discrimination.
  • The LGBT community has the right to marry and can adopt children with the same rights as heterosexual couples.
  • Changing one's gender is legal. Four genders are recognized by law.


  • There are no armed forces in Qasentria. The dissoulution of the military was mandatory in the Lephidross Accords ending the war between Kilna and the Republic of Swallows.

Freedom of Speech

  • Freedom of speech is granted to all citizens constitutionally.
  • It is legal to criticize the government.
  • Online speech falls under Freedom of Speech.
  • Laws concerning hate speech do exist.
  • Laws concerning the incitement of violence do exist.
  • The press is considered as almost completely free.
  • There is minimal censorship online by the government.