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There is disagreement of the earliest confirmed date of inhabitants in Fyor, with estimates ranging from 8000 BC to 5000 BC. The general consensus is that it was in the 8th millennium BC. The disagreement has caused a lot of controversy over the History course taught in schools. There is also disagreement surrounding the location of ancient settlements and mountains in Fyor. Much of the controversy is around Monto Majo, it is commonly regarded as the first area of a settlement in Fyor, with humans living at the top of the mountain. However, it is also believed that the mountain never existed and instead the first settlement, "Hira", was instead over 300-400km away. Nomadism was not prevalent in Fyor, most inhabitants stayed within a certain area. For up until 101 AD it is thought that over 60% of the country was undiscovered.
Explorers from [[Tritonia]] came to Fyor by boat and were met with hostility, but the Fyoric people were overpowered and could do nothing but watch them establish settlements and towns in their country. Tensions rose as time went on and eventually there was an outbreak of violence and thousands were killed in fighting between the native Fyoric and the Tritonian explorers. Eventually the explorers were driven out on what is now known as [[Venko Tago]] and sailed to [[Explorers Island]] where they have resided since.

The native Fyoric had a very low birth rate, there appears to have been strong population decline around 6000 BC (which is disputed due to disagreement over when inhabitants resided in Fyor), 4000 BC, 3500 BC and 2000 BC. Apart from an apparent economic collapse in 3500 BC, there is no explanation for the general low birth rate and sudden population decline at some points. In 3500 BC the general population moved to the east of the country from the west, which was more richer in resources at the time. In the 1st millennium BC, there seems to have been a reverse of this movement with the population moving from east to the west again. Life in Fyor throughout the BC years and up until around 101 AD was concentrated in small clusters, with much of the country unexplored.

101 AD saw the beginning of the mass exploration of Fyor, while many people stayed put in the west, many others moved South to discover and settle in the mountainous regions (modern day Ĉovantojarun province). This is used as evidence against the existence of Monto Majo. By the 3rd century the population of Fyor was more spread out and balanced, the birth rate had also seemingly increased, though was still relatively low in comparison to other areas. While much of Fyor was split into different kingdoms and rulings, there was peace and co-operation between them all. Around 330 there was a famine in the east of the country, resulting in mass migration to the west and south. Much of the population that remained in the east died, it was rumoured that having children would result in not enough food to feed everyone, as such the birth rate of Fyor declined again. Rumours also spread about the east of Fyor being a 'cursed land' and for many years few people dared to travel to the east.

The 5th century saw the spread of Christianity to Fyor, which seemingly caused a big increase in the birth rate, and gradual movement of people back to the east where life was re-established. Christianity spread very fast, in much of the kingdoms and other areas at the time it was made the official religion and it was strongly encouraged, in some even forced. The east of Fyor again suffered a famine in 467, resulting in declarations that it was 'cursed'. Some areas of Fyor prohibited entry to people from the east, some allowed them but only if they were 'cleansed'. In the 6th century there was increasing unity between the rulings of the west and south of Fyor, and in 675 an official unified Kingdom was established, the exact naming is disputed. Sometimes it was referred to as the "Fyoric Kingdom" while in other cases the "Fyoric Area". Today it is officially referred to as the "Fyoric Kingdom" but this has been contested by many Fyoric historians. There was strong resentment towards the east of the country from the Kingdom. The east of the country was split into various areas and rulings and not yet unified at this time.

Throughout the 8th and 9th centuries, the east of Fyor suffered greatly due to the Fyoric Kingdom, which often exploited the limited resources of the east which only landed the inhabitants into a worse situation. The central part of Fyor was inhabited in high numbers during the 9th century, while part of the Fyoric Kingdom, it had never been populated, instead mostly being used as a travel corridor between the west and the east. The population of central Fyor only increased the wealth and power of the Fyoric Kingdom. In the east people came to realisation that unification between different areas was needed, and thus in 846 the east part of Fyor unified as the "Eastern Fyoric Kingdom". While the situation in the east improved, it was still much poorer, though resentment during the 9th century between the 2 kingdoms had decreased and there was increasing co-operation which benefited both of the places.

Numerous attempts were made to unify Fyor throughout the 10th century - in 912, 913, 919 and again in 923. However all failed due to disagreements of power distribution between the east and the west. No attempts were made for a long time, though there was a strong sense of unity between the two kingdoms. Finally, in 1155, the two kingdoms united and overall became the "Kingdom of Fyor". The boundaries are similar to modern day Fyor, though much of Ĉovantojarun, Ekyiro and some of Elĝraj was not incorporated as it had not been explored at the time due to the mountainous terrain. The Kingdom of Fyor was ruled by descendants of the very first inhabitants of Fyor, though this caused confusion as to who exactly this was and what qualified as descendance. Numerous rulers forged papers and lied to gain power, and if any were caught they were killed for a "Unforgivable crime against the nation". From 1155 - 1893, 15 different rulers were executed and it is suspected many more lied but were not caught. Throughout the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries Fyor became more prosperous, and much of the country that was not inhabited was explored on request of the rulers, many of whom organised expeditions to these parts.

In 1498, a large amount of explorers from Tritonia came to Fyor by boat, first landing somewhere in Nordabero province. There is disagreement of where exactly they landed as evidence has been found in numerous areas of the coast in the province and is spread out quite apart from each other. The explorers were met with hostility, so they sailed off to the east instead landing in Gatan, they were not followed. Taking advantage of the fact that this particular area of Fyor had not yet been inhabited, they settled there. Their presence did not become known to the rest of Fyor until almost 6 months later, after a child discovered a large fortress in a forest, which soldiers later investigated and then told the King, Edara Mikaj. An attempt to drive them off failed as adequate defences had been built, how they were built in such a short time is unknown. Another attempt to drive them off a month later also failed. It was decided to leave the explorers to it, and that the situation would be reviewed annually, although it seems as if this was not the case and that there was no monitoring of the explorers by officials. The 2 groups did not communicate, as they were unable to understand each other but also because the Explorers had isolated themselves from the rest of Fyor.

There was no trouble until 1783, when a villager was killed by an explorer for 'treason' (this is what is recorded officially, but the actual reason is widely believed to be something else). This caused chaos and military intervention, a month long battle ensued and the explorers were driven out on what is now known as Venko Tago and sailed to Explorers Island where they have resided since. At first, Joseph Makedi, the King at the time, wanted to continue to pursue them but abruptly decided to drop the plans and instead leave them to reside on the island. People who had intermarried, and had already gained disapproval from both groups, were not allowed on Explorers Island and as such sailed to Kirsao. In 1785, the Kingdom of Fyor took control of some of Inotyol, however this was short lived and by the end of the year it had lost all control. In 1801 Joseph Makedi renamed Fyor from the "Kingdom of Fyor" to just "Fyor" in an attempt to modernise the nation.

The 19th century saw a decline of Fyor's wealth, and it became relatively poor, though towards the end of the century the economy started to grow again, there was still a great difference from before. Resentment towards the 'rulers' grew and there were calls to replace the current system of governance.

In 1901 the ruler monarchical-type system of governance was abolished, though intended to be replaced with a republic instead a dictatorship followed. With Elijah Makan taking control of Fyor, he began to take much more of an interest in Kiraso. He requested that Kiraso become a part of Fyor and that all Fyoric Explorers leave the island. However there had been so much integration and mixing that only a small amount of the population remained fully Fyoric Explorer. He soon realised that it was best to leave Kiraso for now, and he focused attention on Explorers Island, which had been functioning technically as a country since it's establishment in 1783. There was numerous threats made to the island, which had been doing relatively ok on its own since it became inhabited, up until 1910 when the Fyoric army invaded Explorers Island. It was placed under lockdown by the army and residents could not leave their homes, in hope of forcing them to come out for food and water. However this plan backfired as there were inadequate supplies for the Fyoric army, who originally expected the invasion to only last for at the maximum 10 hours. The army was forced to go back to bases and ships for supplies, and the Explorers were able to mobilise and defend the island. Fighting ensued for 2 weeks, but the Fyoric army easily overcame the Explorers and the island was put under Fyoric control and declared part of Fyor.

The dictatorship system continued until 1965. Elijah Makan's rule had come to an end in 1943 and his daughter, Sari Makan took control until 1965 where the dictatorship was overthrown and forced to stop due to mass protesting and civil unrest as a result of the bad economic situation which had not improved.

The liberal party PF (Progreso Fyor) won the first general election in 1965 with a landslide. Though Kiraso and Explorers Island were relatively liberal and irreligious (especially Explorers Island as nearly all the population were atheist), Fyor had now become much more liberal and less religious due to scandals involving the church, and also because of the dictatorship Between 1965 and 1997 much of the social policies and attitudes in Fyor changed, this time period was known as "Malnovaĝo". Same sex activity was made legal and freedom of expression was guaranteed to the LGBT community, with marriage made legal later in 1982. Throughout Malnovaĝo, abortion was also legalised, mandatory religious education was scrapped, women received equal rights, discriminative laws against Fyoric Explorers and Explorers Island were removed and Explorers Island became a special territory of Fyor in 1969. Kiraso also acquired this status in 1978. Fyor only was responsible for defence in these territories, with everything else up to the territory themselves.

In 1983 a resurgence of religion began, the opposition of the FNP (Fyor Nacia Partio) declared that the PF were "poisoning" Fyor and that the population "needed to gain back faith". In areas that the FNF controlled, religious education was pushed and in some areas there were reports of forced conversions and mandatory church attendance. Fyor gradually started to become more religious and conservative. In the 1985 election the PF lost 15 seats, previously their highest lost was only 3. In the 1989 election they lost a further 10, in 1993 they lost 6. The big hit came in 1997 when they lost 54, losing their majority in the process. Religiosity in Fyor had increased from 53% in 1981 to 87% in only 16 years. Migration out of the country and into bordering nations and Kiraso caused the percentage to only increase. Much of the liberal policies enacted by the PF were reverted and Fyor was now one of the most conservative and religious countries in Fantasia. In addition Explorers Island lost all autonomy, while remaining a special territory Fyor basically controlled it all. The rights of Explorers and other minority groups in Fyor was also limited, Fyoric nationalism grew greatly and in the 2001 election the FNP managed to win 123 out of 150 seats in the parliament, demonstrating the big change in only around 15 years. The FNP has governed Fyor ever since gaining power in 1997 and many minorities in Fyor have migrated to Kiraso.
