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The 19th century saw a decline of Fyor's wealth, and it became relatively poor, though towards the end of the century the economy started to grow again, there was still a great difference from before. Resentment towards the 'rulers' grew and there were calls to replace the current system of governance.
The 19th century saw a decline of Fyor's wealth, and it became relatively poor, though towards the end of the century the economy started to grow again, there was still a great difference from before. Resentment towards the 'rulers' grew and there were calls to replace the current system of governance.

==Modern history==
===Modern history===

In 1901 the ruler monarchical-type system of governance was abolished, though intended to be replaced with a republic instead a dictatorship followed, nevertheless Fyor went a name change from Kingdom to the 'Republic of Fyor'. With Elijah Makan taking control of Fyor and unleashing a brutal and authoritarian system of governance. He focused attention on Explorers Island, which had been functioning technically as a country since it's establishment in 1783. In 1910 the Fyoric army invaded Explorers Island, it was placed under lockdown by the army and residents could not leave their homes, in hope of forcing them to come out for food and water. However this plan backfired as there were inadequate supplies for the Fyoric army, who originally expected the invasion to only last for at the maximum 10 hours. The army was forced to go back to bases and ships for supplies, and the Explorers were able to mobilise and defend the island. Fighting ensued, but the Fyoric army easily overcame the Explorers and the island was put under Fyoric control and declared part of Fyor.

In 1943 Elijah Makan died and his daughter, Sari Makan took control, her rule was even more authoritarian and she implemented great censorship and a secret police where people could report those who broke laws in exchange for things like food. However she severely mismanaged the economy and by the 1960s the Fyoric economy was in a terrible state, which was only made worse by other countries in Fantasia organising boycotts against Fyor. Many anti-government protests began to occur, and desperate to hold on to power, Makan implemented great social reform and enacted many liberal policies such as same-sex marriage, abortion and gender equality. This worked temporarily and protests began to stop and some international boycotts were lifted, however there was continued pressure on Makan especially as she refused to get rid of her authoritarian policies. Protests surged again in 1966 and again desperate, Makan removed all discriminative laws against Fyoric Explorers and withdrew the army from Explorers Island in an attempt to gain some international support. This ended up being a huge mistake, as she lost backing from the mainly hardcore nationalist groups which backed the dictatorship, and international support still did not come. Anti-government protests became huge in size and in 1967 Sari Makan stepped down and disappeared, many Fyoric people believed she killed herself.

In 1967 Fyor held its first democratic elections for a 150 seat newly established parliament, 95 of which were won by the left-wing PF [Progreso Fiyir] party. Makano, a party that stemmed from the dictatorship, won 30 seats. The PF government kept the liberal social policies that had been put in place by Sari Makan, but removed all her authoritarian policies and disbanded the secret police. Controversially, they removed the teaching of religion in schools as they believed that religion held the country back. This was something that the centre-right opposition, the NPF [Nacia Partio Fiyir], latched onto as part of their future election campaigns, believing that religion should still be valued in Fyor. The PF also kept a liberal approach in regards to Kiraso and Explorers Island, while they forbid independence and wanted them to be part of Fyor, they allowed them a fair amount of autonomy.

The 1972 saw the PF win the election again, albeit with a reduced majority of 90 seats. Opposition grew against them over the next few years as Fyor saw increasing crime, social issues and a declining economy in addition to the radical progressive policies of the PF. In 1977 the PF failed to win a majority, getting only 71 seats, so they formed a coalition with the centre-left PD [Partio Demokratia] who had 7 seats. This government ended up being a disaster, and opposition increased when they refused to call an election early despite the clear lack of support for it. One of the worst moves of the government was when they declared the conflict with Explorers Island "over", which angered many Fyoric people who believed that it was the land of Fyor.

In the 1982 election, the NPF won a landslide victory of 138 seats, with the PF and PD only winning 2 seats each. The NPF rolled back many of the liberal social reforms all the way back to the Makan era, and also pushed religion in Fyoric society. With regards to Kiraso, they arranged that it would become a 'special territory' under the state of Fyor and would be it responsible for everything apart from defence, which Fyor would manage. On the other hand they took a very hardline approach to Explorers Island, the Fyoric army presence was reintroduced and Explorers Island effectively lost all of its autonomy. Its residents were also banned from voting in Fyoric elections because they were "dangerous" and many discriminative laws against Fyoric Explorers and Explorers Island gradually found their way back into Fyoric law.

The NPF won the next election in 1987 with 125 seats, losing 13 but still having great control. The next few years were bad for Fyor however, with crime, particulary in the form of gang crime, rising again and the economy barely improving. In the 1992 election the NPF still managed to get a majority but only with 94 seats. Despite poor government performance, the NPF mainly focused their campaigns on religion and social issues to get enough votes. By the time the 1997 election came around Fyor was struggling severely and crime had risen to record levels, gangs had complete control over some areas of cities and towns. Furthermore, the power and transport infrastructure had become unsustainable and blackouts and irregular services had become a common occurrence. The NPF only won 68 seats in the 1997 election, a fair amount of which were due to their lax attitude towards crime which meant those affiliated with gangs voted for the party knowing nothing would change. The NPF attempted to govern as a minority but nothing could get done, so out of desperation they turned to the right-wing LIF [Ligaj Independencia Fiyir] who had 9 seats, in order to get a majority. This government ended up being even worse than the previous with and large anti-government protests occurred for the first time since the dictatorship.

In 2001 documents were leaked showing that the NPF was collaborating with criminal gangs in certain electoral districts, resulting in a huge hit to their popularity and nearly 100,000 people protesting in the capital city, Kailo, against the government. In the 2002 election the NPF won 63 seats, but the PF made a resurgence and managed to win 20 seats alongside the centre-left newly formed Liberecpartio which won 50 seats. A coalition was formed of them, PF, PD and 3 independents. The government promised big investment in Fyoric infrastructure and while this was successful, the raging social problems and crime were not addressed. Moves to stop intervention in Explorers Island and allow its residents to vote in 2007 were met with fierce unpopularity and it cost the government the election. In 2022 conspiracy theories emerged that the NPF paid the government to do this so it could win the 2007 election and ruin any chance of another liberal government.

In 2007 the NPF returned with a majority, which it managed to hold until 2017. However throughout this period not much changed in Fyor and the NPF again relied on campaigns that focused on things like immigration, religion, Explorers Island and infrastructure to win elections. Although a huge part in their success was down to gangs which the NPF essentially protected, the fact that many Fyoric people lost confidence in the political system, and the failure of other parties to run successful opposition campaigns.

In 2021, the party FXF [Fronte Popular Fiyir] was formed, led by Isac Kapaj. It ran on an extreme platform seeking to completely "rebuild" Fyor. It openly expressed facist, anti-democratic and racist views towards Fyoric Explorers and other minorities. It also proposed to bring back capital punishment and torture and permanently locking away any person associated, either currently or in the past, with a gang. The party quickly received support despite its extreme views as people had become so frustrated with the rule of the NPF. The NPF attempted to ban the party, but after fierce protests erupted they backed down. On numerous occasions, FXF supporters stormed the national parliament with threats towards government officials. When elections came round in 2022, the FXF won a massive majority of 126 seats and the NPF only 12, all of which were in places where gangs had complete control. On the day of the election, FXF leader Isac Kapaj declared the moment as the biggest turning point in history for Fyor.

Since gaining power, FXF has followed through on many of its extreme policies. It has placed a temporary ban on all elections, removing all councils and replacing them with a single FXF councillor, enacted censorship and authoritarian policies, and launched numerous army operations towards Explorers Island. It has also pledged to remove all Fyoric Explorers from Fyor "forever". One of the most internationally condemned actions was when Kapaj authorised the arrest of nearly 150,000 Fyoric citizens who were said to have been associated with gang activity. Furthermore, many goverment members of the last few Fyoric governments of the NPF have been arrested for "destroying the country". Under the rule of the FXF, Fyor has essentially become a dictatorship again.

Despite widespread international condemnation, the FXF still has high public support in Fyor, as many ordinary Fyoric people believe that they have finally solved the problems of crime and the economy. However, after what happened previously with the dictatorship, nothing is certain.

==Modern history==

In 1901 the ruler monarchical-type system of governance was abolished, though intended to be replaced with a republic instead a dictatorship followed, nevertheless Fyor went a name change from Kingdom to the 'Republic of Fyor'. With Elijah Makan taking control of Fyor and unleashing a brutal and authoritarian system of governance. He focused attention on Explorers Island, which had been functioning technically as a country since it's establishment in 1783. In 1910 the Fyoric army invaded Explorers Island, it was placed under lockdown by the army and residents could not leave their homes, in hope of forcing them to come out for food and water. However this plan backfired as there were inadequate supplies for the Fyoric army, who originally expected the invasion to only last for at the maximum 10 hours. The army was forced to go back to bases and ships for supplies, and the Explorers were able to mobilise and defend the island. Fighting ensued, but the Fyoric army easily overcame the Explorers and the island was put under Fyoric control and declared part of Fyor.
In 1901 the ruler monarchical-type system of governance was abolished, though intended to be replaced with a republic instead a dictatorship followed, nevertheless Fyor went a name change from Kingdom to the 'Republic of Fyor'. With Elijah Makan taking control of Fyor and unleashing a brutal and authoritarian system of governance. He focused attention on Explorers Island, which had been functioning technically as a country since it's establishment in 1783. In 1910 the Fyoric army invaded Explorers Island, it was placed under lockdown by the army and residents could not leave their homes, in hope of forcing them to come out for food and water. However this plan backfired as there were inadequate supplies for the Fyoric army, who originally expected the invasion to only last for at the maximum 10 hours. The army was forced to go back to bases and ships for supplies, and the Explorers were able to mobilise and defend the island. Fighting ensued, but the Fyoric army easily overcame the Explorers and the island was put under Fyoric control and declared part of Fyor.