Languages of Fyor

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The state of Fyor contains 3 main languages, they vary in recognition between each territory, these languages are Fyoric (spoken in Fyor), Kiras (spoken in Kiraso) and Jigoton (spoken in Explorers Island). Fyor currently recognises Fyoric and Kiras while Kiraso recognises Kiras, Fyoric and Jigoton. Explorers Island does not have the authority to recognise languages on its own, so currently only Fyoric is recognised.

Comparison table

Everish Fyoric Kiras Jigoton
Hello, how are you? Saluton, como estaj? Olá, como vi estáj? Ajak, ho gan dit?
It is a nice day today. Hoxe bodia tago hodiaŭ Hoxe un bo día hodiaŭ Dit is leker dag vandag
Stop being annoying! Ĉesu de molestar! Ĉesu de ĝeni molestar! Hou op om iriternd te wees!
He went to the shop, then played football in the park. Li iris butiko, despois xogou fútbol parkej. Li iris al la butiko, e despois xogou ao fútbol no parque. Hy is winkel toe en het toe soker in die park gespel.