Tsikinia: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Infobox country |micronation = <!--yes if a micronation--> |conventional_long_name = Republic of Tsikinía |native_name = <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%"><div class="mw-collapsible-content">Orílẹ̀-èdè Olómìnira Tsíkínía (Eniyanrish)<br>Bulúlú Tsikinía (Kabeká)<br>''República de Tsikinía'' (Latinican)<br>''Malo o Tsikinia'' (Jiyian)</div></div> |common_name = Tsikinía |status = <!--Status of...")
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|legislature = Legislative Assembly of Tsikinía
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Tsikinía is a Unitary presidential republic. The current head of state, whose title is President of the Republic, is Marie Domínguez. The vicepresident is Walema Sato'a. The Tsikinían legislature is known as the Legislative Assembly of Tsikinía.
===Social Policies and Laws===
* You become a legal adult at age 18.
* You can obtain a driver's license at age 16.
* The age of consent is 15.
* The legal age of marriage is 18.
* Capital punishment is legal only in cumulative cases of order 5 crimes (Murder, Manslaughter, Rape, Child abuse, Animal abuse)
* Euthanasia is legal only in the autonomous territory of Jiyí, but you can be redirected from the mainland.
* Pornography is legal for people older than 18 and it's considered a job.
* Sex Workers are recognized as workers.
* Gambling is legal only in private spaces and authorized locals.
* The legal voting age is 18.
* The legal age to hold office is 18.
* All genders and religious affiliations are allowed to vote.
* Suffrage is legal, but only Tsikinían citizens are allowed to vote in the presidential elections, although residents can vote in provincial and cantonall elections.
====Gun laws====
* Weapons are legal to all those who can obtain a licence.
* The legal age to hold a licence is 21.
* There is no armed law enforcement. Civilians wishing to arm themselves must undergo rigorous mental health evaluations and wait around 1 month, depending on weapon and evaluation results.
====Drug laws====
* Alcohol (<15% by volume) is legal, regulated by the state, and restricted to two drinks for those 14 years and older. People aged 16 and older can consume unlimited amounts.
* Alcohol (>15% by volume) is legal, regulated by the state, and restricted for those 18 years and older.
* Nicotine and Tobacco products are legal, regulated by the state, and restricted for those 18 years and older.
* Cannabis is legal for all uses, regulated by the state, and restricted to those 16 years and older.
* The consumption of nicotine and hard drugs is legal, but the distribution of these drugs is illegal. This is done to help erase the stigma around seeking help for addiction.
====Abortion laws====
* In Tsikinía, all abortions are legal and costs are covered by the state. There is stigma about abortions among older people and mostly in the West Ulikan region, but it has decreased throughout the time as the last census showed 86% of the Tsikinían citizens agree with abortion compared to the 64% of 20 years ago.
* There are no time limits to when an abortion can be performed in the case of rape, fetal defects, or the health of the mother.
* The time limit to abortions performed for personal reasons is 18 weeks.
* Public hospitals are the only hospitals allowed to perform abortions, as proper counseling and therapy can be provided.
* Both members of the couple can give up being parents, but they have to provide child support.
* If it's the case the pregnant person can't perform an abortion or doesn't want to, they can give the child to an Authorized Adoption Centre in the first year of life, after that it's considered child abandonment and is sentenced to 5 years in jail.
====LGBT rights====
* Same-sex activity is legal in Tsikinía. There is stigma amond older people, although Tsikinía is usually considered one of the safest nations for LGBT+ people in Latinica.
* The age of consent for same-sex intercourse is the same as heterosexual intercourse.
* The LGBT community has the freedom of expression.
* The LGBT community is protected by law from discrimination.
* Same-sex marriage is legal everywhere in the union. LGBT people can adopt children with the same rights as heterosexual couples.
* Changing one's gender is legal. For minors, changing one's gender is legal upon the approval of a physician after the child turns 7 years old.
* The sex reassignment process is legal and can be carried out in private and public clinics, although in public clinics all medication costs are covered, although any surgery has to be done by private means.
* Three genders are recognized by the Tsikinían law. The standard Female (F) and Male (M), and also the Non-Binary gender (N) which includes other genres included in the spectrum.
* Although three genres are recognized in the mainland Tsikinía, there's a fourth gender recognized in Jiyí called Fa'afafine (F), which is a cultural "third gender" between Jiyian people. Fa'afafine people can work normally in the mainland Tsikinía as it will be considered as part of the Non-Binary spectrum. If you want to change your gender to Fa'afafine, you'll need to proof you are of Jiyian descent, this can also be performed in mainland Tsikinía.
* The nation has no armed forces, it was constitutionally banned in 1950, although the nation holds an intern Public Force.
* The country holds an international treatment with the rest of Latinican nations that if Tsikinía's safety is in danger they will respond to defend the nation.
* Conscription is not enforced or practiced.
===Freedom of Speech===
* Freedom of speech is granted to all citizens constitutionally.
* It is legal to criticize the government.
* Online speech falls under Freedom of Speech.
* Laws concerning hate speech are detailed and heavily enforced. Hate speech is not protected as part of free speech, such as discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, social status, disability (mental or physical), religion, ethnicity or race.
* Incitement of violence is not protected as part of free speech.
* Press freedom is granted.